Friday 27 March 2015

Adding to the qualities of the Leaders!

Leaders built the aroma of work and setting the goals to achieve and making it possible to achieve just by having few qualities of leadership. Here again it is requires to talk about some of the essential qualities that one should have to work on and make them possible for the organisation. In this post, I would like to add more to the team work and its importance in this fast and furious world. We all participate in the group project at one or other stage of life. Keeping it short, just have a look on the courses that you are doing in this program to pass your graduation. We are always supposed to work in the groups and carry out the project works by following the true spirit of leadership and work. Here we all are oblige to do our own part and make the project or the presentations successful. This is the starting pint from where we all start and learn more and more which is going to add in our skills and abilities to work a team and act as a great leader. Here again the need arises for a good leader who is going to work and finally compiling all the works done so far by all the members and look forward towards the achievement of the desired goals. So, just by looking towards these leaders we can all imagine that how much important to work in the team projects.This is the important time to learn and explore the world of leadership and actually practicing the great qualities of leaders.
Lets talk about the Sheridan in itself as a great place to learn and explore the theories of leadership and then after learning, we male best use of all these theories and practices that will help to execute all the projects in better manner and displaying your leadership qualities. Not only this, this will help to learn more about the real and practical work where one has to work at one or another stage of their life. This id again a challenging statement that one has to consider before practically making it possible. But this is possible if one has those great and wonderful leadership qualities which will actually help you to learn and get success in any project of your personal and professional life.

In last, I would like to say that this is the time to get started and explore the opportunities that your higher education is providing you and getting ahead in all the prospective and making it a grand success for you and for others as well. So, keep on working and learning more and more at your campus and from your team members. Keep on moving.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Leadership- taking new approach!

Taking  New Approach

Now its the time to get start with the new approach of leadership. This is new adaptation to the behavioral and the acquisition of the traditional approach of leadership into a new and advanced term that talks about the how new approach of leadership is effective and efficient in conducting the various tasks and accomplishing them in a positive way. Leadership skills and techniques focuses on the development of experiences to develop new approaches to work for the welfare of the organisation and achieving the desired goals. Training, coaching, on the job training and other methods are in the list that contribute towards the fulfillment of the desired goals taking into account the new approach of the leadership. Typically these efforts follow some type of the assessments of the individuals with regards to the competency profile that identifies current strengths and areas to be focused on fro the development. This is the prime approach for the developing and maintaining the various skills of the leadership. Here is the video that shows the various approaches of the development of leadership.
In nutshell, I would like to say that there are various approaches to the leadership which are new and advanced. It also contains new skills that are required to fulfill all the desired goals.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Leaderships- an honest achievement!

An Honest Achievement 
The devotion to a thought in an honest achievement makes the achievement possible and successful. The leadership is the key term which put all the efforts of the team under one roof and make the organisation a grand success. It provides the platform to represents the various talents of various team members to achieve all the desired goals that are required to be achieved effectively and efficiently. to put it simple, there is a direct relationship between the leadership and the success because a leader is always oblige towards the fulfillment of the goals which are directly or indirectly related to the grand success of the organisation and the huge progress of the businesses. If we take into the assumption that all leaders are always contribute in it.
There are number of the skills that are concerned with the leadership and a good leader is required to have it or try to attain those qualities to perform their duties to the fullest and making it more fruitful for him as well as for the organisations. Here are some of the skills that contains lot of information that can help you to understand and develop your leadership potentials. To start with, the strategic and critical thinking is the foundation which builds other skills on it and make a confident, effective and efficient leader who is enough to support all the workplace activities and make goo decisions for the welfare of employees, peers and the business as well.
Another skill is the Action Planning and risk management. It involves things which are useful and beneficial for the initiation and evaluation process in the organisation. Whenever a certain strategic decisions are taken action planning is the next to focus and kept in mind to develop on it. The risk management, on the other hand makes the plans and policies much more easy and financial  involving less risks of failure. Taking this into account, the next skills which adds to it is the time management and problem solving. This seems to be very easy to talk about the leadership qualities but when actually practiced the seen is different who makes it somewhat hard to imply in this dynamic and fast world.

The leaders are the person who are going to motivate and inspire all the employees and the workers who are essential part of any firm and contribute to the most for the success and the progress of the organisation. So the leader must be self-motivating nature and inspires all the employees to achieve all the employees, social and the organisational goals. Continuing with the same, the skills of leaders must contains the ability of time management. As per the phrase that time is money, I would consider the concept of the time management in more detail. The leaders must need to work on the time management techniques so that it will  be possible for them to utilize the time in a proper manner. These are some of the techniques that a good leader must have with them to make their job more efficient and more specific to lead a team and the projects that are going to decide the future of the firms, companies and the workplaces. This would probably the basic and the most essential skills that one would have to have a create a positive workplace environment and fruitful results in the organisation. 
By hammering the last nail, I would like to say that the leaders are the ladders which builds the steps for all the employees and the workers to make it a grand success and set the benchmarks.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Qualities of Great Leader!

Qualities of great Leaders 
Much is written and talked about the great leaders and their qualities that had made them an example for everyone in the entire world. The leaders are the people have all the capabilities that inculcate and swift the desires and the needs of the team members and all the employees who are working for the benefit and achievement of the organisational goals. A leader requires a bundle of qualities to lead a team, a group or an organisation. The great organisations such a s Microsoft, Google, Apple and the list continues have such splendid leaders who were far sighted, goal oriented and focused to make the business a grand success. We have so many instances to illustrate the fact of these great leaders of their times and providing a coaching and clearing out the ways that a new leaders and the teams follow them. The examples have several names in it such as Bill Gates, Steve Johns, Ambani Brothers, Laxmi Mittal, Rattan Tata, Rupert Murdoch and the names never ends that have contributed a lot towards the success of the business and today they are well- known Business Tycoons in the world.

The above pictures clearly depicts the famous personalities who are the real Leaders and worked for the welfare, progress and success of their business and achieved the ultimate goals of their respective companies.
What actually made them to do it with such a great success? Well there are so many things that the efficient leaders have with them. Lets start with the vision and the farsighted vision that they have in their minds to lead, inspire, work and bind all the progressive activities prevailing in organisation. 

  As Shakespeare said in Twelfth Night: "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them." Whether the leader is born intelligent or has acquired the qualities, the important thing is that they need to be admired by everyone. Thus it does not matters whether you are born genius or has achieved it step by step, what matters is the success that you have achieved being a good leader and satisfied all the aspirations and needs what was expected from them. there are bunch of things that a leader must have with him to lead a team and an organisation as a whole. Instances for these are ambition to work, patience, humility, humor, vision, courage, compliance, ability to perform the assigned tasks. Moreover a leader must have great motivating spirit that is required to inspire and keeping the spirits alive of their employees, even if they do not want to work. Another thing that a leader must possess is the gratitude towards his work and the subordinates. This will enhance the positive spirit and productivity of the organisation.
The video talks about the what a great leader have with him that makes him different from the common employees and help to gain a competitive edge over others.
In nutshell, I would like to say that a great leader do not do the different things but they do the things differently.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Leaders- make it great success!

Leaders- make it great!

In this fast and furious world everyone wants to become more conscious, engaged, present and awake leader whatever the field is. There are bundle of ways to be become an elegant,  intelligent, awake and decisive leader to lead a team and an organisation to gain a competitive edge in the market. Being a student of the Business Administration, specifically in the Human Resource Management, I am always on my foots to know about the leadership qualities and finding out the ways to how to acquire them. In my research I came to know about the several qualities that a leader must have to achieve the desired goals.
Starting from the consciousness as a part of the quality leader, it does not comes as a accidentally. the one must have a commitment to become a conscious leader. It requires a great test to be passed with discipline, awareness and punctuality, so that you can easily lead those whom you want to be committed towards the work and success of the work that has been assigned. Here is a video that describes what leadership actually means? It is not about the style or the specific study to become a effective and successful leader, instead it is all about the commitment and having someone who follows you. Just have a look and make your judgement.
Another aspect that I want to bring among you is being curious about everything around you and testing it under various circumstances To apply this right now, think about a conflict you’re currently in.  Like all conflicts, it’s rooted in two sides wanting to be right.  In this conflict, what are you right about?  Write it down.  Make a list.  Feel your rightness, maybe even your self-righteousness.  If you stay on this path, what you get to be in the end is right.  For many leaders this is the goal, but not for conscious leaders.  Proving your right is the booby prize.   We tell leaders all the time what they already know from experience.  If you fight to be right you get to be right, but you don’t get to be happy or connected to people or creative or experiencing life in a new and expansive way.  Conscious leaders move over and over again from wanting to be right to being deeply curious.

Leadership has various phases that is can be seen at various stages of life. Another crucial aspect that can be seen in this phase is the experience. At various steps people encounter with the various experiences to learn from and applying the various methods to make leadership a grand success. Here arises the important question of failure. But there is nothing bad in failing, because failure is the opportunity to began again more intelligently. So do not be afraid of getting fail, because it the first step towards gaining experience in your life. Here is the famous quote by the great scientist Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam that makes it more explanatory.

In the nutshell, I would like to say that leadership is not a study that has hard and fast rules to follow although, it is a art to make someone follow you with the full satisfaction and fulfilling the desired goals of the organisation and on the whole the goals of life.